How to get promoted

From colleague to leader

Want to climb the corporate ladder, but don’t know how? With these 5 tips, your promotion won’t be long in coming.
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Tip 1: Don't wait to be promoted

It is not uncommon for employees to think that promotion is an initiative of the employer. But this is not the case! It is important to communicate openly to the employer that there is interest in order to remain in the focus of the employer in personnel matters. Passive waiting, with the secret hope of promotion, is therefore not conducive, but so is being too pushy.

Tip 2: Enhance soft skills and expand your network

In addition to professional skills, which are important, social skills increasingly play a decisive role for promotion. As a result, it is important to be open and communicative with employees in order to make a good impression in general. This also includes having a good rapport with various departments in the workplace to increase your chances.

Tip 3: Have alternative options ready

Depending on the structure of the company, a promotion can happen quickly, but in the worst case it can take a long time. But this need not detract from one's goals, because the job market offers many opportunities to look at other career options. Therefore, a change of job may make more sense and prove to be more profitable in financial terms.

Tip 4: Further training

A promotion requires specialized knowledge and it is therefore inevitable to get further training. This can take place in in-house training courses or can be managed externally. At best, it will leave a lasting impression on the employer and increase the chances of success for a promotion. After all, expert knowledge is in demand and enhances one's standing in the company.

Tip 5: Deal with the consequences

Professional success is associated with positive aspects, but there are also some downsides that should not be ignored. Were there a lot of friends in the company who were friendly and open-hearted towards you? This can quickly turn into the opposite, because as a promoted boss, envy and competitive thinking may be stimulated. The relationship will change noticeably and it is important to be aware of this before moving up the career ladder. In addition, the extra workload should not be underestimated, as more salary is representative of more responsibility and work. As a new boss, there are certain things you need to keep in mind in order to make a positive impression on your employees. It already starts with the non-verbal communication, or with the body language. As a boss, it is not necessary in modern times to radiate severity, such as by folded arms or the like. A normal and relaxed body posture conveys openness and appreciation and enhances the working atmosphere. In addition, it is exemplary as a manager to stand by one's own mistakes instead of feigning perfection. In the worst case, this will create an arrogant impression among employees. It will additionally take away the pressure of always having to do everything right as a boss. The balance between criticism and praise is crucial for balanced social interaction with employees. Too much criticism has a negative effect on work performance, whereas too much praise can equally create the same effect. It tends to be better to place more emphasis on praise than on disproportionately frequent criticism. It makes employees feel appreciated, which in turn makes them happy to come to work. There may be many former friends among colleagues who are now in a different power relationship with you. It is good to continue to maintain a relationship with friends, but professionalism should be observed during working hours. This means that friends should not be praised more often under any circumstances. In addition, it is of fundamental importance to listen to suggestions and proposals for improvement from employees and to take them seriously. Otherwise, there will be dissatisfaction within the company. Therefore, as a boss, it is important not only to rely on rigid processes, but also to allow for changes. Of course, not all suggestions for improvement can be implemented, but it shows appreciation and respect if they are at least taken into account.

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Get Promoted

If you want to move forward in your company or field, promotions are part of the game and they won't just be handed to you - you have to work - and ask - for them.


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